Thursday, April 07, 2005

Christmas at the coast


At 9:33 PM, Blogger Sabrina said...

OK, is the darker sand background hiding something? It looks like it was pasted in front of something?.. I like it!! SERIOUSLY, if you can get ALL these printed out 12X12, I'll Pay Pal you the fee.. I really want them for Raegans scrapbook!!

At 9:47 AM, Blogger Davinie Fiero said...

I'd get a copy too for Morgan's scrapbook...... except she is never in any of your layouts. PPLLLBBB.

At 10:28 AM, Blogger Sabrina said...

OOH... LOVE the digital raspberry!! te hee!
I'll forward you ( alyca) some photos of Morgan so you have more to work with.. K?

At 11:12 AM, Blogger alyca said...

Nope, the darker sand is just creativeness. Not covering anything up, I just used it instead of having a torn piece of paper or something else to make it look more interesting. As for printing this stuff out, it is like $3-4 dollars each 12x12 page, but I need to look into the website again. It was mentioned at on their digital scrapping message board, but I need to go back and get it again. I would be more than willing to get you guys copies, I just want to wait to have a bunch to send in at once, so I can get a discount.

At 11:55 AM, Blogger alyca said...

Okay, update....I called CostCo, and the one here in Seattle can print a 12x18 (need to trim off 6 inches) for $3 a piece. Cheaper than which is $5.49, although I am told their quality is wonderful. I have also heard good things about Costco, so I will go that route. Also, these can be printed out at 8x8, which would be cheaper if anyone wants to go that route.

At 1:35 PM, Blogger Sabrina said...

I'd like to place an order for the 12X18.. just let me know the total and I'll pay pal it to you!! ( add in shipping)

At 1:35 PM, Blogger Sabrina said...

I'd like to place an order for the 12X18.. just let me know the total and I'll pay pal it to you!! ( add in shipping)

At 2:40 PM, Blogger alyca said...

I am going to drop off a test-picture at Costco today (hopefully) and see how it turns out. I resized my layouts to 12x18, and added in panoramic pictures that I have been wanting to get printed. This way, there is no wasted space left. I will be able to pick them up on Monday, so if they turn out well, I will let you know, and you can tell me which layouts you are interested in getting.

At 1:44 PM, Blogger Sabrina said...

hay, did you get them all in 12x18? that won't fit in my book, so if it's not too late can you keep some of them 12x12? thanks!

At 8:15 AM, Blogger alyca said...

I resized them to 12x18. The layouts are still 12x12, there is just an extra 6x12 space added on. Otherwise, they would stretch the layouts out to 12x18 and they would look stupid. I put other pictures in the extra space. The layouts will still work.
I brought the wrong format of pictures to Costco, so I need to go back Monday and turn in some more. The good news is that they can do it in their one hour photo lab, so I can still pick them up. The bad news is that I have to change the format to .jpg, which destroys some of the quality. I will save them as huge .jpg's, so hopefully there won't be a noticeable difference. There is when I look at them on my computer, but that is when they are all zoomed in, so it should be okay.


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